Spring '14 Hair Challenge

Hey Friends!

As you all may have noticed, spring is just around the corner! I'm introducing a new "spring clean" challenge that focuses on assessing problem areas your natural hair journey may be giving you. These things include fairy knots, shrinkage, split ends, breakage, dry hair, and etc. The idea of this challenge is to focus on one thing a week and after each week you will incorporate what you've done into the next week. For example, if you want to tackle shedding, split ends, and thin hair; then for the first week you will focus on shedding and how to prevent that from occurring. The following week you will focus on shedding and split ends. Taking progress pictures really help for you to visualize the changes your hair undergoes. It also serves as motivation! A few tips to get you started are listed below:

Ask yourself these questions before beginning:

1) What don't I like about how my hair looks at this moment?
2) Is my hair healthy?
3) What can I do to my hair that will benefit it in the long run? ex. vitamins, essential oils, etc.

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