NoteStream is HERE!


Here at #MOAF we are advocates of apps and gadgets that help us do more on the go, because let's face it, we are busy fashionistas! One of those gadgets to help you learn a little something each and everyday is NoteStream! What is Notestream?, well it's literally "the learning app for people too busy to learn", a helpful app launched in December that contains information such as liquor themed lessons, misleading food label facts, and ten simple tips for better photography.  All information on Notestream is available offline, so it's very convenient for when riding the metro to work, or if you're just somewhere and the Wi-Fi sucks balls (been there done that too many times).  And in efforts to reach every possible busy person out there, Notestream will be including fashion and beauty articles, and #MOAF will be one of many blogs contributing to this site!  We are very excited to partner up with Notestream in efforts to get our information out there to those fashionistas who may not have time to surf the internet and head to our page, so we are anxious for you all to try and explore our content plus many others on this new and innovative app.  This app is currently available for iPhone and will be available in Google Play within the next few weeks.  As far as our content, we will have it up within the next week and will let all of you know once it launches!  In the meantime download Notestream using the link below, feel around, and let us know what you think!

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