Blogger Insight: How to Prepare for a Blog Conference + Free Checklist Printable!

How to Prepare for a Blog Conferenc

Blog conferences are so exciting to me.  Maybe it's because it's one of the few times I'm surrounded by like minded individuals who don't look at me weird when I talk about blogging.  It's exhilarating.  If you caught our post yesterday, then you know that Go Blog Social happens THIS WEEKEND in the heart of my beloved city of Saint Louis.  Many have asked this question "what do you even bring to a blog conference, what do you wear, and what do you do?" and we've done a blog post or two on it before, but it's always nice to have a refresher, so check out our personal check list of what to bring, what to wear, and what to do at a blog conference!:

Business cards/Media Kit-you're going to meet a lot of people, mentors, speakers, and other bloggers, so it's important to have information for yourself and your brand, you never know who wants to reach out and work with you!

Business card holder-because you'll need a nice, secure place for all of the new business cards you'll get!

Notebook and/or computer-Think of a blog conference as a class, so taking notes is important so you don't miss out on information.  Depending on the venue, it might be a good idea to bring your laptop along, find a good table and be productive while learning lots of new tips & tricks of blogging!

Camera-No matter if it's your beginner camera or that top notch DSLR, you want some type of camera to take quality professional pictures, great to use in your recap blog post, to send to other bloggers, or even for your own stock photos.

Snacks and a water bottle-Most blog conferences provide appetizers or even lunch, but for me it's just more convenient to bring a light snack so I don't have to get up in the middle of a speaking session.

CHARGERS!-This is obvious.  Bring multiple charging devices with you.  I suggest a charging phone case and a charger hub in addition to your regular phone charger.  If you're going to be in a day long conference like me in addition to attending after parties, your phone must stay charged.  Not only do you need it to make important phone calls but HELLO WE'RE BLOGGERS! You'll want to be on social media capturing the fun filled moments and to connect with other bloggers at the conference!

Cash-If your conference is hosting vendors, it might be easy to have some cash on you, you never know who takes cards and who doesn't.

Tote or backpack-By the end of the conference you're going to be bombarded with notes, business cards, and other goodies and treats, so just make it easier for yourself and get a cute tote bag or back pack.

*An open mind and positive attitude!*-Yep I had to star this, because there isn't any other way to get the full benefits of a conference unless you come willing AND eager to learn!  The first year we attended Go Blog Social is when we were inspired to re-launch our blog, you just never know what you will take away from the conference at hand!


Conference Ready
I suggest wearing something cute yet comfortable as you're going to be moving around but still chic and stylish.  I honestly don't suggest wearing heels unless you plan on bringing a pair of flats, my motto is you can still slay but be comfortable as hell, or maybe I'm just lazy (who knows).

Network-even though conferences are for you to learn, it's also an opportunity for you to meet new bloggers and engage with brands as well!  Set a goal of meeting at least 3 bloggers, but you'll end up meeting more.  Exchange business cards and social media handles, and grow your blogging clan!

Be interactive and engaging-During each speaker session take notes.  If you're on your computer, make a centralized place for you to store your notes on your desktop or drive.  After each speaker session prepare one question, and throughout the day tag the event space, conference host, and speakers on social media using the hashtags provided by the conference host.

Last but not least, be open to new ideas!  Again, blog conferences are for you to learn and walk away with tools to help you succeed in your blogging journey!  You might blog about one niche, but a speaker from another niche can inspire you in ways you can't even imagine!

Whew! That was alot!  And I know you guys are going to forget some of the key points I went over.  So because I'm nice, maybe drunk, maybe both, I've put together a FREE PRINTABLE that you can take with you that provides a handy dandy checklist of everything we just went over!
All you have to do is sign up for our free membership based blogger studio Divergent Place.  Once confirmed, we'll send your printable plus access to more resources!  Enjoy!