Rants & Raves: Goals for 2016!

goals for 2016

2015 is almost at an end, and looking back on this past year, I would say it's been pretty good for me.  Coming into the new year, a lot of people love to make resolutions (our version coming soon), but instead, I want to share some goals I have for 2016.  These goals range from personal to business, and these are goals that I am really going to work on for the development of a better me.  I think that should be the top goal everyone strives for the next year.

Here are some of my goals I'm aiming to achieve for 2016.  We'll be doing an extensive blogger goal list, but for now, check out my list that includes what I want to accomplish personal life wise, business wise, and for all around happiness!:

*make time for me
*have more fun days with my mini me
*maintain, grow, and invest in heather relationships with friends, family, my boyfriend, etc.
*learn how to say no
*travel more
*invest more (money wise)
*get outside more often
*expand my writing (hints our new brand)
*accept failure and that things won't always go how I envision them
*treat myself in more ways than just makeup and clothes
*create business plans for every idea I have thus far
*get back into shape
*get a pet and don't let it die (lol)
*talk more on the phone instead of communicating through Facebook, text messaging, and email
*build products for the Just Bloggers: No Explanation shop
*volunteer and give back more to the community
*have a happy grad year (I start back in January)
*continue to invest in myself besides formal education
*take a cooking class
*go mini golfing
*go go karting
*learn a second language (lost my love for French so maybe Japanese?)
*have a monthly brunch with friends and family
*visit my dad more
*get back into writing poetry
*go to the museum more often

What are a few goals you're going to get done for the new year?  Drop a comment and let us know!

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