Blogger Insight: "No Pay, No Play" Periscope Chat!


Bloggers are probably the most taken advantage of creative group out there.  Why?  Because a lot of people believe that blogging isn't s real job or career.  And while I can give you a 20 page paper on the bloggers, including ourselves, who have successfully made money blogging, apparently it still doesn't matter.

Within the past month or so, we have been approached by numerous companies inquiring to use our services, which is fine, but....who the hell said we provide services for free?  This ain't a damn soup kitchen or blogging Goodwill (and even the Goodwill charges).

My point is, bloggers are past over on many opportunities because people are just not willing to pay.  And it not only saddens me, but it pisses me off, and I feel the need to vent not only to my fellow blogging sisters and brothers, but to the world on how fed the FUCK up we are.

So!  On July 30th join is for an in-depth Periscope discussion "No Pay, No Play", on how companies try to get over on bloggers by not compensating them accordingly and how to overcome this obstacle.

7pm CST is when we're going to kick this ish off iight! So make sure to follow us on Periscope @ justbloggers.  If for some reason you can't make it, no worries, because we'll have the replay readily available here on our site!

So until then, be productive, be creative, but most of all, don't get played, your work is valuable and you should be compensated for such!
