Beauty: My First Thoughts on Hi-Mirror & I'm Pissed!

You guys, I am irked beyond the reasonable amount of being irked.


Because it pisses me off when you have big hopes of something working and being fabulous and it just turns out to be a piece of shit that's wasting space in your room.  What am I referring to?  I am referring to Hi Mirror.

Let's be clear.  We partnered with Hi Mirror because everyone else I saw with this mirror had great reviews and I thought it was a bomb idea to have a smart vanity mirror.  But the fact is, I don't care that we have partnered with them, I want to share my AUTHENTIC opinion because if any of you choose to buy this $189 mirror based off of what we say, I want you guys to have the truth, pros, cons, and everything in between.

So I figured a video review would be better so you can see and hear what I mean with each pro and con I go through.

So check out our first review on Hi Mirror and let us know what you think!

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