Blogger Insight: Meet Us at The Blog Connect!

the blog connect

Hey guys! So you know a few months ago when we said we wanted to do more speaking events?  Well, we made that shit happen!

rihanna dancing yass bitch yass

Yes loves, we will be hosting our nicheless segment at The Blog Connect Conference!  Being nicheless is a movement we've created knowing it needed to be done.  So many bloggers are told that they have to pick a certain niche in order to be successful and that is simply not true.  We've been nicheless for over 2 years now and have proven you can be nicheless in many facets of blogging if you're determined, work hard, and have a concrete strategy in place.

We would love for yall to come check us out along with some of the other amazing speakers so grab your tickets here!

In the meantime, make sure to spread the word so our class is packed!  You can also check out what we have planned in store for 2018 by checking out our YouTube video below!

Also sign up for our newsletter so we can become blogging besties!