Blogger Insight: Don't Rush! What to Consider Before Starting Your Blog!


Over the past 5 years of our blog journey, we get asked the infamous question "How do you start a blog?".  In the past we always told people that is was easy to start a blog, and we kind of regret doing that.  Why?  Because in order to start a blog to effectively serve it's purpose it takes planning, and planning takes time.

Within the planning of a concrete blog brand, there are certain questions you need to ask yourself: Why do you want to blog?,  What do you want to blog about?, How will you blog?, & What will be the take away from your blog?


This might sound like an odd question but it's an important question to ask yourself.  Asking yourself "why you want to blog" will determine your entire blog identity.  Do you want to make money?  Expand on your current/existing business?  Connect with a community of like-minded individuals or create a community?  When you can answer that question, then you have completed the first step in establishing who you will be as a blogger and influencer.


Now look, we're not going to be the ones to tell you what you should blog about or that you can only blog about one or two things.  We're we talk about what we want.  If you want to be nicheless, hey go for it (we even have a course to help you)!  If you want to be a fashion blogger, travel blogger, entertainment blogger, or beauty blogger that's great as well!  What we will say is make sure with whatever niche you decide to choose, take the time out to brand yourself effectively, add as much of yourself in your brand as possible, and be as authentic as possible.  This way, in a sea of bloggers, people will be able to gravitate towards your brand without hesitation and confusion.


Written blog or Youtube?  Blogger or Wordpress?  Pre-recorded videos or live stream segments?  These are all questions you'll ask yourself when you get to the point of establishing your platform.  We started out solely on Blogger and now we're growing our video platform, very rapidly I should mention.  You don't have to be limited to one platform but know you don't have to be on every platform, sometimes less is more and less makes a bigger statement if done correctly.


This goes back to knowing what your brand identity is.  For us, we want our takeaway to be that you are entering our nicheless domain.  We talk about an array of topics openly, authentically, and unapologetically.  You'll laugh, and you may even say "did they really just say that" but you know it's us.  DO NOT be generic with your brand identity and it may take a while to concretely figure this out.  Don't rush the process, it'll come to you when it's time.

We know now that it's not going to be easy to answer some of these questions, and there may be more questions you find yourself asking along the way.  But know this, once you have answered any and all questions in a way that makes you feel confident about launching your blog, the rest IS easy!

Want more blog tips and tricks from your favorite nicheless duo?  Well sign up for our newsletter so we can become blogging besties!

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