Almost 4 years, wow! Time has really flown. Who would of thought that a simple post made while I was sitting on my couch would have turned into...a mini empire? Well believe me, I've come a long way from those Mind of a Fashionista days, and reflecting back, there's a lot of things that I've learned along the way....
I've said this before and I'll say it again, people don't realize the magnitude of WORK that has to be put in when you blog, even if you only do it as a hobby. From content creation to social media promotion and everything in between, blogging is hard effing work. I find myself having two jobs, my 9 to 5 and my blog. So to those of you who think this is easy? I'm just sipping my tea waiting for you to re-nig on that statement.
I know you guys are familiar with many of the posts I've written on being authentic and that's because I wholeheartedly believe it. Blogging is similar to any industry, which means you're known for your character, so if you decide to be the fake, ass kissing blogger....everyone else will know. Kissing ass and sucking up may be a good way to climb up in the ladder of blogging success but I frankly don't dabble in bullshit. My journey may be longer but I know it's well worth it.
Yea........I have calendars and planners galore in efforts of keeping this blog in tact. Fact is....planning is EVERYTHING when it comes to blogging, whether that's planning a vlog series, an outfit post, a new printable you're creating or just figuring out what to post on your social media channels......half-assing and not taking even the slightest moment to plan ahead can cast a bad reflection of your blog.
Blogging is still an occupation that many people either don't respect or honestly don't know shit about , so you'll tend to see that when reaching out to companies, big and small, they are reluctant to work with you. The word NO is going to be your best friend and worst enemy and you'll soon learn to expect a no over a yes, if anything it builds character. As you progress in your blogging journey those same companies will see you're about business and could reach out in the future. #1 rule, never be discouraged.
Chilllllllllllld I cannot tell you the drama that has happened because of this blog.
From other bloggers to brands, to even friends, there are just some envious people who always have shit to say. Don't let the negativity get you down. As they say if you have haters you must be doing something right.
Speaking of friends, blogging friends are the best. For some reason my family and friends who aren't in the creative field don't understand the highs and lows of what I go through as a blogger, but my blogging babes know too well. AND, blogging friends are the best when hitting up a blog event, they're just excited as you are if not more!
With blogging , there are a lot of different areas you can dive into in order to expand, a lot of us however don't take those leaps of faith because we're afraid of failing and often compare ourselves to other bloggers and feel we don't "measure up". My advice on that? To hell with it and go for it! I rather do it and know I tried, happily failing, than not knowing what I could have done. whether it's starting a new vlog, organizing an event, or creating a product that'll bring in that extra coin, take the chance and do it! (Just make sure to plan)
This is something I shouldn't have to say but I feel I do because there are those certain bloggers who only do it for the hustle. I tend to refer to them as "blogging/creative whores". They only dabble into fields so they can make the most money they can, knowing damn well they don't give a shit about the foundation of the job or industry. I however, do. Many of us blog because we want to convey a message and be able to express ourselves, and it's amazing how much I look at my blog or the blogs of others and can get a sense of their personality right off the bat.
as humans we change more than we realize. We change what we like, love, and choose to take interest in, and this is no exception when it comes to blogging. If you've followed us from the beginning, we started as a fashion blog, moved into beauty, added blogging, and now we're nicheless. Embrace the change, and make it work for you!
At the end of the day, I wouldn't trade this path that I'm on. I never thought that a simple post that I made because I was bored would turn into my passion, something I want to pass down to my child. As cliche as it sounds, blogging is life!!!