Makeup: Lippie Review with Urban Decay!

urban decay vice

I have been on a lipstick high for like a week.  Which means good news for you guys because we have 3 new lippie reviews coming!

This week's lippie review features Urban Decay Vice, which released 20+ new shades this week (many of them already sold out).  I will admit, I am soooooooo late to the Urban Decay hype, I just got my first naked palette a few months ago, so it's baby steps for me.  But when I saw these lippies I said what the hell, let's give it a try!


The Vice lippies come in a gold plated tubing with the Urban Decay logo engraved on it, color sticker on the bottom to indicate what color you have.  To me this is extremely important, because like some lipstick brands, such as MAC, they don't show the color swatch on the tube.  The Urban Decay initials are also engraved on the side of the lipstick itself.  Very eye catching, and great for props for stock photos (hint hint).

$17 which isn't a bad price, comparable to other brands such as MAC Cosmetics, Smashbox, etc, and available not only at but at other retailers such as Nordstrom, Macys, Ulta, & Sephora.

urban decay vice

I can't even name off all of the colors, with the new additions, there are 100 colors in the Vice collection, 100 effing colors.  I, however, chose 9.  I might be a lipstick hoarder but I know my boundaries (lol).  With 6 different finishes including comfort matte, mega matte, cream, metallized, sheer, and sheer shimmer. you can find literally the perfect lipstick, no guessing, no disappointment.

We will definitely be doing an in depth Youtube review on these bomb ass lippies, but in the mean time drop a line and let us know what you think!