Fashion Sense & Making Sense Of Fashion

Fashion sense is having the perception to identify when something is a current trend. Many people speak of fashion sense in the sense that it means to possess great style and/or good taste but that is definitely not true. Anyone can gain fashion sense if they just study magazines, shop in stores and look at what other people are wearing. That is what it means to have an "eye" for fashion. You are involved in the lifestyle of fashion and are able to identify it when it's in your presence.

While anybody can have fashion sense, not everyone makes sense of fashion. Fashion doesn't always make sense to us. We often have to use our perception of life to make sense of it. Fashion art isn't always wearable art but some people find a way to wear it. Spending thousands of dollars on a dress doesn't make sense for most people but it makes sense for some.

In order to make sense of fashion, you have to have a sense of style. Your personal style is about who you are and we are all different. So your sense of fashion will be different from everyone else's for the most part. People who don't have a sense of style are relying on their fashion sense to tell them how to dress. So learn who you are and allow your style to speak for you. This is how you'll learn to make sense of fashion.

Understand that we may all have fashion sense and we are all capable of making sense of fashion but only those whose sense of fashion is inspiring can make fashion sense.

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