Tasty Detox Water Recipes That'll Cleanse Your Body RIGHT!

tasty detox recipes mind of a fashionista

I am all about getting yourself healthy, but I know it can be a challenge, especially to stick with your new habit (fact: it takes 28 days for something to become a "habit").  An easy  and tasty activity that can boost your body's health with little effort is by drinking detox water.  The different ingredients that you put in ice cold water helps cleanse and flush your body from toxins and can help you feel better within a day!  Here are some tasty detox water recipes that will be sure to get you going on the right track to a healthy life!

apple cinnamon detox water mind of a fashionista
Apple Cinnamon Detox Water

This water is also referred to as the "Zero Calorie Detox" water because it contains nearly zero calories.  All you'll need are fuji apples. ground cinnamon, and a hint of lemon juice which keeps the apples fresh.

cucumber lemon mint detox water mind of a fashionista
Cucumber Lemon Mint Detox Water

Cucumbers are great for detoxing because they are a very hydrated vegetable, mostly made up of water.  When you mix them with lemon, you're getting the cleansing effect of citris acid and the mint ties everything together giving a fresh and crisp taste.

strawberry detox water mind of a fashionista
Strawberry Detox Water

Strawberry detox water is a fruity way to add the antioxidants your body needs in order to stay healthy, and it tastes delicious too!
apple cider vinegar detox water mind of a fashionista
Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Water

We all know the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, especially when it comes to weight loss, so there's no brainer that it would be used as a detox method.  It is commonly used with the Cucumber Lemon Mint Detox Water or with lemon and all natural honey.

grapefruit detox water mind of a fashionista
Grapefruit Detox Water

Grapefruit is another great aid when it comes to weight loss because it is a fat burner.  Adding grapefruit in as a detox will give you the same benefits you need in order to achieve that goal weight.

lemon and cayenne pepper detox water mind of a fashionista
Lemon & Cayenne Pepper Detox Water

This detox water is very new to me, but from doing my research I will be trying it!  We all know why we use lemon to detox (packed with antioxidants and electrolytes) but when you add in cayeene pepper, you're opening up your circulatory system, helping to regulate your blood sugar, and kick starts your metabolism.

From what I know, have experimented, and learned, a lot of these ingredients added in with natural oils and seasoning and be interchanged and used together.  By simply researching what the fruit or vegetable itself does for detoxing and what it can do in a combo with another fruit or vegetable, you can create your own recipe that fits your lifestyle!

ak brown signature mind of a fashionista

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