What's on your Fashion Bucket List?

fashion bucket list

As an active member in the fashion community, you always think of things you wish you could do or will do once you get more status, more money, or more time.  In general this would be called a bucket list, but for our purposes this is a fashion bucket list, and below is mines!  Comment and let me know what your fashion bucket list is!

Meet Ann Wintour
Design my own pair of shoes
Visit one major fashion magazine's headquarters
Sit front row at New York Fashion Week
Have my own reality tv show on the Style Network
Buy an Aldo Store
Create and teach a fashion blog course at a notable university
Wear a one of a kind wedding gown by a deceased designer
Go to Paris, Milan, Dubai, and London
Get my first Chanel bag and pair of red bottoms
Color my hair navy blue, then peach
Own a fashion school
Visit Chanel's grave
Visit an old house/apartment owned by a notable designer

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