Me?!? Explore St. Louis Summer Ambassador?!? Hmmm!

A couple of weeks ago, I got the opportunity to attend the VIP Blogger Lounge hosted by Alive Magazine and while I was there, I was presented with an even greater opportunity to join in the running to become an Explore St. Louis Ambassador for the summer of 2015!

For those of you Fashionistas/Fashionistos who aren't aware, both AK and I are based in St. Louis, MO. I, myself, born and raised here! My family and I gave taken residence in the City of St. Louis for as long as I can remember and I don't plan on changing it anytime soon.
Unfortunately, in the recent months, Our city has been plastered all over the media in it's most sensitive, vulnerable and tense state and it's overshadowing all of the great positive energy and things this city has to offer.

I love going downtown more than anything and exploring the Arch grounds. I'm super excited about the construction going on down there and I can't wait until it's complete because of how much more beautiful it's going to be!

On top of that, IT'S CARDINAL'S SEASON!!! St. Louis is home to one of the best baseball teams in the WORLD and the summer isn't complete without going to at least one game in the new Busch Stadium and after a win (of course) celebrating at Ballpark Village. If sitting outside isn't your thing, you can even enjoy the game with food and drink as well inside of Ballpark Village (BKA BPV).

I could go on and on about the things I love about St. Louis, but I don't wanna bog you down with reading an impromptu novel. Ha ha!

Press PLAY to view my entry video!

Why you guys should help me become an Ambassador for this city? Well, why shouldn't you? Ha ha! Being someone who has lived in the city all of my life and having an adventurous family, I have s seen and discovered so many hidden gems that people have yet to discover and realize that they're there. Despite all of the things that have happened that aren't celebratory, there is still so many things to be proud of and celebrate about this city and I would be HONORED to be the face that represents that. Plus, how cool would it be to have an Ambassador with hair as cool as the things to do around the city?!?

Go ahead and CLICK HERE!!! to review other entries and to especially VOTE FOR ME (you can vote for me as many times as you want to in a day and you can vote everyday until April 15th)!

I greatly appreciate all of your support and lets make this happen!

ALSO, mark your calendar to attend the Explore St. Louis "Be a Tourist in Your Own Town" event which will take place at the amazing Ballpark Village in Downtown St. Louis on April 30th!

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