It's Ok to Take a Break

take a break

I am at home literally wishing death upon myself because I have a bad case of strep throat.  It got to the point where I didn't even want to look at my computer let alone compose a blog post with the thought and research needed for it to be considered quality content.  Which had me thinking, bloggers need breaks too.  Hopefully none of you ever have to endure this bullshit sickness, but I know for a fact there's things we go through that take our attention away from our babies, meaning our blogs.  Or maybe we just get to a point of being run down.  It happens.  My simple message to you is, it's OK to take a break.  Take a mini vacation, share some of your old posts, look at other blogs not even related to your niche, or don't even look at the computer.  Taking a breather is a good thing, no matter what you do in life you have to take a step back.  Once you return from your break, trust me, you will have so many ideas flowing through your brain it's not even funny.

What do you guys do during your "me time" from your blog?

ak brown

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