Blogger Insight: Networking Part 2-Stationary Essentials Every Blogger Should Invest In


Stationary is ESSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEENTIAL (yes im being extra) when it comes to blogging.  Just like if you were working in an office or headed back to school, there are some specific stationary items that you should invest in to make the networking process that much smoother:

Business Cards

A photo posted by Ak Brown (@akjapbae) on

This is just common sense.  You can't have peanut butter with no jelly, cereal with no milk (actually you can, I don't eat that nasty combo), and you can't have a blogger without business cards.  How to do you expect anyone to stay in touch, more so find out about your blog without business cards!  There are so many websites and resources for you to get your own business cards such as Vistaprint, MOO, and Zazzle (that's where we got our lovely cards).  I've also seen bloggers make their own business cards with inexpensive, creative items from the craft store!

Business Card Holder

A photo posted by Ak Brown (@akjapbae) on

If you network the way you're suppose to, you will acquire more business cards than you can count, which means you need some type of organization for them. I bought this business card holder from Office Man literally on the spare of the moment because well...I just love spending money, and now I need to buy another because I've run out of room! Very inexpensive, and durable as it's made of leather, this is perfect for any blogger. There are also business card inserts that work well for your blogging binder if you prefer that.

Blogging Binder

A photo posted by Ak Brown (@akjapbae) on
Speaking of blogging binders, I think it's essential to have one once you've established yourself as a blogger and once you start to do more with your blog. It helps keep you organize, up to date with anything you may have going on like sponsored posts that you have scheduled, or info for your blogging buddies, and it's good as a back up tool.  The binder itself I acquired from Target, the blogging binder material I received from Blogger Babes, I love them so much!
Blogging Planner

This can be something included in your blogging binder or just a separate planner all on it's own. You simply treat this as if it was a planner you use for school or your everyday life. Schedule meetings and events you may have, or companies you hope to reach out to on your to do list, it really helps keep things in line.

Small Notebooks

A photo posted by Ak Brown (@akjapbae) on
I love using these for when I'm at a blog conference or fashion show. It helps me keep notes, or if someone forgets their business cards, we simply write each other's info down on the paper and swap. These two I got from T.J. Maxx in the check out section.

Thank You Cards

I've learned not only in my blogging career, but just being in the professional field as a whole, hand written thank you cards can go a long way, especially in this world of technology.  Wherever you purchased your business cards, I guarantee you can get some very cheap thank you cards that you can personalize with your logo. Use these after a successful partnership with a brand or another blogger. A simple "Thank you for the collaboration, look forward to working with you again :)"can secure a second partnership in the future.

What other stationary items to you utilize to help you network as a blogger? We would love to hear them so share below in the comments!

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