Blog Talk: How to Prepare for the 2017 Blogging Year!


OK! You know what’s funny; it’s almost the end of the year.  I don’t know about you, but I damn sure know that 2016 flew by way too quick for my liking.  Since the New Year is almost upon us, it’s time to not only reflect on our blogging wins and things we need to work on but we also want to prepare for 2017 in order to make the New Year the best one yet.  I know for us, not only are we preparing for a blogiversary in January (4 years yall 4 years!) but we are also outlining how we want to expand physically by traveling for events and business wise by what we can offer to our bomb readers!  So if you’re in the same boat, this video is just for you.  Here are 10 things you need to do in order to prepare your blog for the New Year!


This means delete and organize files on your computer, your email (I currently have over 26,000 emails....Diamond would slap the shit outta me right now) and any physical files you have related to your blog.  At the beginning of the year we want to focus on working in a clean and organized work space.  Also, trash those draft posts.  Let’s face it, if you haven’t blogged about that budding idea that you thought of in the share 6 months ain’t happening girl.  DELETE, DELETE, DELETE!

#2-Delete Photos that Aren’t Yours!

Google has become our best friend as bloggers because copying an image for our post is a simple click, but as we know, more and more bloggers are getting in trouble for using images that aren’t theirs.  So, first and foremost replace any Google images with stock photos or your own original photos.  Even with linking a photo that you got off the internet, it still isn’t enough because you don’t have permission.  After you have replaced all of your photos, make it a habit to use only stock photos, your own photos, or photos you  have permission to use (we’ll link some bomb stock photo websites in the description that let you use their pics FOR FREE!)

#3-Make Sure ALL of Your Blog Posts are SEO Optimized

This...will be a task.  Us personally, we have 4 years of posts we need to make sure are all SEO optimized which means keywords are added, pictures are saved correctly with alt tags, links aren’t broken, etc.  This task is something no one wants to do, but if you want to get that steady traffic that is very much possible to obtain even while you’re sleep, you have to make sure everything is SEO optimized. 

#4-Make Sure Your Website Template is How You Like It

Before the New Year begins, it’s the perfect time to play around with different blog templates, you never know what you’ll like, and many website have affordable templates for you to use (as low as $10 for all the rights, we’ll drop the links below yall).

#5-Begin to Plan Your Content

You don’t need to know exactly what you’re going to post each day of the new year, but it’s good to start thinking of themes for a few months or around a special event so it gives you an idea of what you can plan to post.

#6-Become Your Own PR Rep

I say this with the intention of it’s up to you to keep track of your contacts in order to create those collaborations.  In your blog planner or in an excel file, create a list of blogs you follow, brands you want to work with, and PR companies that have contacted you with all of their information.  At the end of the year, send a warm hello, introduce or re-introduce yourself and just let it be known that you are open to any future opportunities for the year to come.

#7-Research What Events You Want to Attend for the Next Year

This is something that I always implement.  Whether it’s a blogging related event such as a blog conference or other events related to your niche, make a note of it so you can plan ahead, save money if need be, and even reach out to see how you can be involved!

#8-Create a Goal List

What do you want to achieve next year?  Anything new you want to try? Sell a product? Create a workshop?  This is where you’ll list all of those blog aspirations you have for your brand.  Once you’ve created the list, you’ll be able to sit down and work through out to implement each of your ideas!

#9-Have an Re-Introduction of Yourself, and Your Brand

New Year = followers, so it doesn’t hurt to show them who you are.  Whether in a re-introduction post or a revamped about me page, having a fresh set of eyes means being able to tell your story again.

#10-Have an open mind!

I think this goes without saying, but be open to whatever comes your way.  You might blog about fashion one day...and end up turning nicheless like we did.  It’s honestly all about taking what comes your way in stride.

These tips will definitely prepare you for the best blogging year you have had thus far! 
 And as a treat, we went ahead and did a video for you guys for those who love to listen to my voice AND we have a new FREE printable!  It’s a checklist that outlines what you need to do to prepare for 2017, all of the basics that we’ve covered in this post and in the video above!

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