Fashion & Style: Stylish Frames for Your Holiday Wish List with Polette + GIVEAWAY!

*this post was sponsored by Polette Eyewear*

The holiday season is coming up, and as much as people don't want to admit it, glasses fall under the wishlist category! Why? Because they're too effing expensive for no reason!!!!

polette-eyewearNormally, going through my eye doctor, I would pay between $200-$300 for frames and lenses (and that included insurance and our friends & family discount we received).  With Polette, I can get a pair of glasses for under $110, including my high prescription and the highest UV protection they have available...yep, no lie.  With Polette, you can get designer frames, ranging from 28 color options from $6.99-$49.99 with anti-scratching, anti reflective lenses from $9.99-$75 (that's a savings of 80% yall)

If you're someone who doesn't need glasses, but merely wants them as an accessory, you can get a pair of frames for as little as $10 with the look and feel of something that cost way more!
Or what about if you're in those oh so lucky parts of the world where it's sunny all around?  Polette still has you covered with sunglasses! 7 color options, and 4 tint levels. All of their prescription lenses start at $19.98 and receive a UV400 coating that ensures 99,5% of all UV light is filtered.

I love Polette, plain, simple, and to the point.  I haven't ordered glasses from any other site in almost 3 years and don't plan to ever again.

And because I love them so much, I want to spread the love to all of you!  We're giving away 10 50% off vouchers for their store!  This is how it works:

Go to, and find the frames you love the most, and drop a comment below for your entry into the giveaway (this is mandatory)
For other entries to help boost your chances, you can like and follow Polette on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and us as well!

Contest ends November 14th, so enter to win and good luck!!!!

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