Get your mind right with meditation

Divas in transition
Meditation has been in practice for thousands of years. It can be traced back in history in different parts of the world as well as different religions. Meditation is the practice of training one’s mind. It is quite simple to learn and has amazing benefits associated  with its practice.
There are several types of meditation: concentration, mindfulness , mantra etc. Choose the type of meditation that fits who you are.
Concentration meditation: It involves focusing on a single item. The item could be  a candle flame, an image, an object etc. You simply focus your attention on that one item . If your mind wanders off, just refocus your attention on the item.
Mindfulness meditation: It involves observing your wandering thoughts. The focus is to be aware of each thought as it passes through your mind.  Mindfulness meditation is a great way to identify your thought pattern.
Mantra meditation: It involves repeating a calming word  or phrase to prevent distracting thoughts.
Benefits of meditation:
  • decreases anxiety
  • increases self-awareness
  • reduces stress
  • can lower blood pressure
  • can lower heart rate
  • can lower blood cortisol levels
 How to meditate

Try to meditate for 2 to 3 minutes each day, preferably in the morning.
Step 1: sit or lie comfortably- just be still
step 2: relax, just let go and surrender
step 3: pay attention – depends on what meditation technique you are doing
Original Work:
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